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Julie Raistrick

Writer's picture: Spot LeukaemiaSpot Leukaemia

Julie was 44 years old, amidst the excitement of Christmas when she began feeling unwell. After a rush to A&E, she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Here she details her Spot Leukaemia story and the long road to remission…

“Looking back to December 2015, I remember being super excited about putting up my Christmas tree and preparing for the holiday period. On the evening of 4th December, I felt unwell, so I took myself off to bed whilst the rest of our family enjoyed our weekly takeaway. I spent most of Saturday in bed, but I managed to get up and go out to sort out a horse I was responsible for. I then returned to bed, where I stayed until Sunday.

That day, my ex-husband rang to ask me to check on the Sunday roast that was in the oven. However, at this point in the day, I had developed very restless legs. I managed to bum shuffle my way downstairs to check the roast, and all the way back upstairs to run myself a bath – I thought it would make me feel better, but it didn’t. I also became aware that I was bringing up blood, so my ex-husband contacted the hospital and there was a discussion as to whether I should be blue-lighted to the hospital, or whether my ex-husband (who happened to be a nurse) should take me.

I got to the hospital a little after midnight and whilst sitting in the A&E waiting room, I became extremely unwell and was taken in to see the GP immediately, who proceeded to take my bloods. I was there for what seemed like forever, until the GP came back and informed me that I would need a blood transfusion as soon as possible, and that I had no immune system and would need platelets.

I was transferred to a short stay ward and given a blood transfusion and platelets, which consisted of about nine pints of blood. On the Monday morning, I was visited by a haematologist consultant, who informed me I had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). I would need a bone marrow biopsy to begin chemotherapy.

I was transferred to the haematology ward, where various consultants came to examine me. It was then I was approached by Dr Hancock, who happened to be the first person to mention a trial chemotherapy. They explained the trial to me and within the day I had begun it, alongside blood and platelet transfusions. I spent Christmas Day waking up in hospital, however, they allowed me to go home for a couple of hours to be with my children. I was in week two of the trial chemotherapy when I began to experience tingling sensations, numbness and spasms in both hands. By week three or four of the trial, I had lost the ability to swallow, caught various infections and was receiving medication and chemotherapy through a PICC line.

Fast forward to March 2016, it was apparent I was having a massive reaction to the trial chemotherapy. I lost all mobility down the left side of my body, and I was being fed through a feeding tube. I had lost so much weight; originally being 11 stone, I plummeted down to six and a half stone. I also lost my hair, which I asked my sister to cut, as I was really struggling to come to terms with everything that was happening to me.

The first questions I asked my consultant when I was diagnosed was “Is this hereditary? Can this be passed down to my children?”. My children have always been there for me and they are my best friends. Thankfully, I was told it could not be passed to them.

Whilst in the BRI, I was asked by the consultant that if my heart failed, would I want it restarted? Of course I did, and at this point my family were called as well as a priest from the chapel came to visit me.

When I was finally able to come back home, I was cared for by my ex-husband. I had a bed downstairs, with a walking aid and commode. I had no ability to move down my left side and the trail chemotherapy had stopped, as a result of the allergic reaction to the two forms of chemotherapy.

Whilst awaiting to see the consultant in St James Hospital, Leeds, I continued to attend Bradford Royal Infirmary, I regularly attended the BRI for blood transfusions, spinal chemotherapy and bone marrow biopsies. On one occasion whilst attending a day case session, I became extremely unwell. It later turned out that I had an infection in my PICC line.

In the end of April/beginning of May 2016, I received a call from a consultant’s personal assistant, who was inviting me in for an appointment to discuss my options, which I attended in June 2016. They explained that I would need a bone marrow transplant, and also explained what would happen if the transplant didn’t work. All I can say is that I left his office feeling like I was going to die. In July 2016, I was admitted to the ward at St James as I had a match for the bone marrow, by this time I was getting my mobility back – having had various physio sessions and my ability to swallow had returned. This was the next phase of getting better.

I had the bone marrow transplant that July; I lost my hair for the second time and was extremely unwell. When I was finally allowed home after a two-month stay, I still had to visit every other day for my bloods checking, and every three months for the next two years I would have to have bone marrow biopsies and spinal chemotherapy. There were a few occasions over the first year where I would have to be admitted due to having a high temperature or infections or even needed a top up of the bone marrow.

I was later referred to a gynaecologist as I was experiencing issues with having sexual intercourse. It came to light that I had graft versus host disease (GvHD) which also affected my mucus membrane, and as a result I had reoccurring chest infections. My gynaecologist carried out a small procedure, but every day is a huge struggle. GvHD has had a huge impact on my self-esteem, confidence and mental health; it has also been one of the contributing factors to my current divorce process that has been instigated by my ex-husband.

Even though I am currently in remission, I often feel as if I am not. Mentally, there is a niggling little person at the back of my head saying, “What if it comes back?” or “What if I can’t form a new relationship and be intimate with the person?”. But, I stand by my motto: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”

Do you know what the six most common signs and symptoms of leukaemia are? They are:

  • Fatigue

  • Shortness of breath

  • Fever or night sweats

  • Bruising or bleeding

  • Bone/joint pain

  • Repeated infections

Are you currently experiencing any of these signs and symptoms? If so, contact your GP and ask for a blood test.

Early diagnosis saves lives


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A campaign ran by Leukaemia Care and Leukaemia UK.

Raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of leukaemia. Less than 1% of the UK public can name the top three symptoms of leukaemia. Help us change this today. Early Diagnosis Saves Lives. 

If you have any of the symptoms of leukaemia and are worried. Contact your GP and ask for a blood test.

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